Purpose of the Agile Sports Framework™

There’s a saying, “what gets measured gets done”. This concept can be validated by simply asking anybody who has held a job and goes through an annual review process. The human brain is wired to achieve once we are able to create clear, measurable goals and a plan for reaching them. If teams can successfully identify metrics that capture the intangible attributes that drive team success, and present it in a format where players can clearly understand and decide what they can do to create value, then a shift from the individual mentality to the team first mentality will occur, and teams will achieve synergy. Synergy is the interaction or cooperation of the players to deliver a combined value greater than the sum of their separate value. Synergy is the state that every team should strive to reach and maintain. Agile Sports helps teams identify these strategies and achieve synergy faster. Agile Sports provides a framework that every team can apply to their existing analytic program


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