Agile Sports Events - The Post Game Meeting

The Post-Game Meeting is a 15-minute event for the players to reflect on the game and create/validate their plan for the next game. This allows the team to decide if the adjustments made from the previous game were effective. The Post-Game Meeting is held at consistent times (such as immediately following the game) to reduce complexity and promote consistency). During the meeting, the players review the stat sheets as they compare to their individual and team goals (planned value) and they make self and team assessments on the following: • How did I perform this game against my assigned metrics? • What areas I’ll improve on next game? • What obstacles may jeopardize team from meeting our Sprint Goal? The Post-Game Meeting allows the team to inspect the impact of the previous game’s adjustments as well as make adjustments if progress is deviating away from the Sprint Goal. The Post-Game Meeting increases the probability that the players and team as a whole maintain buy-in to


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