10 Principles That Drive Agile Sports
1. The highest priority is to reach organizational goals through team synergy and collective team IQ. 2. Every member of the organization must know exactly how their role contributes to the Sprint Goals. 3. Foster openness, honesty and transparency in player feedback and team analysis. 4. All organization members have buy in and accountability toward reaching team goals. 5. Players work together to determine how they will reach team goals and ensure each player understands how their value contributes to the team’s goals. 6. Iterative processes control promotes continuous improvement and added value. 7. Synergy and continuous improvement are enhanced through analytics. 8. The best results and team performance comes from self-organizing teams. 9. After each Sprint the team reflects on how to become more effective, from the players to the assistant coaches to the analysts. 10. Empiricism is achieved through a balance of veteran coaches, known outcomes and lessons learned from th
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